19.01.2021 03.46 GMT+0000
Recent guidance from the DOL illustrates the outgoing administration’s desire to leave its mark.
19.01.2021 03.46 GMT+0000
Recent guidance from the DOL illustrates the outgoing administration’s desire to leave its mark.
16.07.2020 01.51 GMT+0000
The DOL’s new guidance reinstates prior definition of investment fiduciary and offers new exemption for (otherwise prohibited) forms of compensation for plan fiduciaries.
02.07.2020 09.56 GMT+0000
Proposed DOL regulations would add new restrictions to the use of ESG funds.
28.05.2020 07.40 GMT+0000
New options for the use of on-line disclosure.
21.04.2020 10.06 GMT+0000
Insurance companies play an outsized role in delivering 403(b) plans. COVID-19 may change that.
25.02.2020 02.26 GMT+0000
Perhaps the most significant claim raised against Shell pertains to the claim that the Shell fiduciaries allowed Fidelity to use participant data to promote non-plan products and services.
25.01.2020 05.01 GMT+0000
Terminated Providers May Represent a Special Fiduciary Challenge.
02.01.2020 01.44 GMT+0000
New Legislation Creates Planning Opportunities and Pitfalls.
13.12.2019 06.59 GMT+0000
Retirement plan providers are under pressure to reduce fees--and are likely to respond by shifting more focus to non-plan products.
29.10.2019 01.55 GMT+0000
The states and the federal government are engaged in a tug-of-war over the ability to issue rules affecting key HR and benefits matters. This is a game with no winners.